Saturday, November 6, 2010

Tubal Ligation Reversal

A successful pregnancy after tubal ligation reversal is possible, depending on the following:

    * Your age
    * The site where your tubes were tied
    * Underlying pelvic problems such as endometriosis and fibroid tumors
    * Ovulation function
    * Lifestyle habits and your weight
    * Qualifications of the surgeon performing tubal reversal surgery

Where were your tubes tied?

Most tubal sterilization procedures are performed in the middle of the tube. During tubal reversal surgery, stitches are placed in this muscle to rejoin the tube.

If your sterilization was done near the site where the tube joins the uterus, the chances for success with tubal reversal are less. Sterilization toward the end of the tube where the tube is larger and more delicate is less successful. Also, sterilization performed by removal of the end of the tube is not reversible.

The most successful types of tubal reversals

Tubal reversal surgery may be most successful if your doctor used the Hulka clip for tying your tubes. The Hulka clip is the most common procedure for tying tubes. Findings show that this procedure has excellent pregnancy rates after tubal ligation reversal.

If you had Falope Rings (sometimes called bands) with precise application of the ring, the success rate for tubal reversal surgery is good. With Falope Rings, a "knuckle" of the tube is picked up and a small tight plastic ring placed over it so that the middle portion is obstructed.

First, get your operative report…

You need to get a copy of the operative report that describes the process your doctor used when tying your tubes. How much of the tube remains and the location of the sterilization are key in determining if tubal reversal surgery may let you get pregnant.

IVF - an alternative to tubal reversal surgery

An alternative to tubal ligation reversal is in vitro fertilization (IVF). IVF is immediate with no waiting period before you can begin trying to get pregnant. For women over 35, IVF may be a successful option.

IVF may also be preferable if other factors such as ovulation problems, endometriosis and male factors interfere with normal fertility.

Are there risks with tubal reversal surgery and IVF?

With tubal ligation reversal there is a chance of ectopic pregnancy. This chance is reduced with IVF. However, IVF has an increased chance of multiple births (twins, triplets or more), and IVF may cost more than tubal reversal surgery.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Ligation Reversal.

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