Friday, October 29, 2010

Tubal Reversal Surgery

What you want to know most is what things will affect your pregnancy after tubal reversal. After all the point behind having tubal ligation reversal surgery is to get pregnant and have a child. So just what factors affect how fast you can get pregnant or even how good your chances are of becoming pregnant after undergoing the reversal procedure?
The first factor you will need to look at when hoping to conceive a child is your age. Whether a woman has undergone tubal ligation or not, we all know that age plays a part in getting pregnant, or otherwise we would not be hearing the old clock ticking, so to speak. For a woman who is considering undergoing tubal ligation reversal, she will find her chances of getting pregnant are enhanced the younger she is.
Some facts and figures relating to how age affects conception rates is as follows. A woman still in her twenties will find she has about a 77% chance of getting pregnant. Older still at 35-39, the rate fall to only a 62% chance of getting pregnant. And of course, for a woman who has gone past the 40 milestone, her chances of conception are only 34%.
The next factor that plays a part in getting pregnant after a tubal ligation reversal procedure is how long the fallopian tubes were left from the original tube tying procedure. The more the doctor has to work with the better the chances are. Some will find they conceive quickly but others will take five years or more. The condition of the fallopian tubes, the length they were left and thus what the doctor has left to reconnect, and how well they are reconnected all play a part in how soon you can get pregnant and what your chances of getting pregnant are.
Next factor is how long ago did you have the original tubal ligation procedure? It is an unfortunate fact but the longer it has been the more likely there has been some damage done to the tubes and thus lowering your chances of the reversal surgery being successful. Time just plays a big role in reversing the original procedure with several of the factors and this is one more. But that does not mean it is impossible. It just means your chances are less than someone who had it done more recently.
Is Tubal Reversal a better option than IVF? – In a number of studies that have been carried out over the years relating to this matter, many women have found that having tubal reversal surgery rather than under going IVF (in vitro fertilization) treatment has been more successful.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Reversal Surgery.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tubal Ligation Reversal

When does the ectopic rate after tubal reversal enter in critical risk zone?

There is no set age limit for the risk of an ectopic pregnancy after tubal reversal, but some empirical data suggests that women above 40 have a higher risk in general with tubal reversal, and likewise with ectopic pregnancy after a reanastomosis.
The risk of an ectopic pregnancy among the general population is about 1 in 100 and this risk increases to about 5 in 100 after undergoing a tubal reversal.
There is some optimistic analysis of the fertility results observed as well. Although it was demonstrated that age is the most significant predictive factor, for women who had undergone a microsurgical tubal anastomosis procedure (tubal reversal) at age 40 years or older, the reproductive outcomes of the microsurgical tubal anastomosis patients demonstrated a tubal reversal was a justifiable alternative to IVF, even when considering an ectopic pregnancy rate of 2.4 percent.

Managing ectopic pregnancy after tubal reversal

It is important that women are aware about the risk of ectopic pregnancy prior the tubal reversal.  Early diagnosis is needed once a positive pregnancy test is obtained.  If the blood pregnancy test (HCG level) is 1,500 or greater, the contents of the uterus should be seen with a vaginal ultrasound exam.
Early diagnosis at this stage is important.  If it is diagnosed that you have an ectopic pregnancy, one or two doses of a prescribed medicine will absorb the ectopic.  Note that time is most important thing, and there are limits to the use of medicine in treating ectopic pregnancy.
If the ectopic pregnancy is too far along, the only option may be surgery, and in this case it is extremely important to have a skilled minimally invasive surgeon such as Dr. Morice perform the procedure so that when removing the ectopic pregnancy the fallopian tube suffers minimal damage.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Tubal Reversal Surgery

A woman with a tubal ligation may later elect to undergo tubal reversal surgery to become pregnant. In vitro fertilization, sometimes called “in vitro” or IVF, may also provide women with a tubal ligation the ability to become pregnant. Choosing between the two, however, requires thorough investigation and conversations with your physician.

Tubal Reversal Surgery Explained

In a tubal reversal procedure, a four to six inch incision is made in the woman’s abdomen for access to the severed tube. Because the surgeon must cut through muscles and tissue prior to reconnecting the tube, the surgery is quite severe and often requires a total of two to three weeks for recovery.
Recently, doctors have begun using a laparoscope for tubal ligation reversals. In this type of procedure, the surgeon enters through the patient’s belly button and uses a scope to reconnect the tubes.

IVF Explained

In vitro fertilization is a procedure where a woman’s eggs are removed from her ovaries, fertilized with sperm and replanted in her uterus in hopes that a pregnancy will result. Typically, the woman’s reproductive organs are stimulated through medications prior to the procedure to improve the chance of conception.
Because this procedure does not require an egg to travel down a woman’s fallopian tube, it is a valid option for woman who wishes to conceive but has previously undergone a tubal ligation.

Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Reversal.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Tubal Reversal Surgery

  1. Age: Better if you are less than 40. Analysis of the fertility results demonstrated that age was the most significant predictive factor. This directly links to ovulation. Decide about a tubal reversal at the right time. There is a sharp turn down in fertility that starts to occur approximately at the age of 36 in women. Even so, the chances of pregnancy stay good until women reaches 40. If a woman is beyond the age of 43, the chances of producing eggs in good health can be much lower.
  1. Type of ligation: As there are many types and methods of performing bilateral tubal ligation (ie by rings, clips, fulguration, Parkland, Pomeroy, Falope ring, coagulation, and Irving), the damage to the tubes may differ from one patient to another. If the tubal ligation is performed without excessive damage to the tubes, nearly all types of tubal ligations can be reversed with a tubal reversal procedure. To ensure patency, after tubal reversal a colored dye is used to examine the patency of the fallopian tubes.
  1. Blockage site on the tube. HysteroSalpigoGram (HSG) is the test that allows Dr. Morice to better evaluate the blockage site on the tubes in the prospective patient for tubal reversal, and to get a better idea of how much proximal tubal length is available for a tubal reversal or reanastomosis. If the ligation method caused excessive scar tissue on the blockage site, this could minimize the potential of fertility later. The amount of healthy tube remaining is extremely important when considering a tubal reversal to regain fertility.
  1. Hormone levels: Checking the hormone levels is an excellent indicator of fertility and must be considered for all patients over the age of 30 before a tubal reversal. This includes a day 2-4 FSH level and estradiol level.
  1. Normal uterus: All patients undergoing a tubal reversal should have an ultrasound report prior to the procedure. Dr. Morice performs this as part of the routine work-up and this is included in the price of the tubal reversal procedure.
  1. Some other factors: There are other factors that provide good predictive value for success with tubal reversal. These include your general health, obstetrical history, partner's health, social habits such as smoking and drinking, and frequency of intercourse.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Reversal Surgery.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tubal Reversal Surgery

If you have had a tubal ligation and have changed your mind, now wanting another child, you will want to have a tubal reversal. Once the tubal reversal surgery is over, then your mind becomes set on trying to conceive. Below we will cover a few tips to help you achieve that pregnancy after tubal reversal surgery.

1. First off, be aware that a study of tubal reversal patients showed that most of the women, who were trying to conceive following the surgery, did so within 12 - 13 months. This first tip then is to be patient.

2. Next, don't rush into trying to conceive. Your body needs time to heal from the surgery. You know a pregnancy takes its toll on a woman's body. So, again, be patient and wait at least one full cycle before trying for that pregnancy after tubal reversal surgery.

3. When a pregnancy doesn't happen right away, some women become impatient. In discussing the matter with your physician, you could find he suggests a HSG procedure to check and see if the tubal blockage was really removed or not. However, HSG procedures are not the best thing to do for at least a year. In fact, it can send debris from the uterus into the fallopian tubes which might actually cause a blockage where there was none. Unfortunately, the procedure itself is all too apt to give you a bad reading due to many problems ranging from it not being done properly to the "films" not being read correctly. Considering the pain the procedure can cause, it is best to wait at least the year prescribed by the leading tubal surgeon.

4. Get to know your cycles. You need to know when you ovulate and the best way to do this is with a ovulation prediction kit like Clear Blue Easy.

5. The last tip is to understand that with all the tracking you will be doing, you are going to be much more aware of what is happening to your body while trying to conceive. In fact, you will most likely be aware of miscarriages due to all this tracking. That can be disheartening to have miscarriages. However, you should be aware that most women do miscarry and are simply not aware of it because they don't track like you are for a pregnancy after tubal reversal surgery. In fact, about half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Try to maintain a positive outlook.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Reversal Surgery.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tubal Reversal Surgery

Here I wanna some information about a Medical term that is called Tubal reversal and most of women’s didn’t  know about it. So here I m providing you useful information…
A tubal reversal is a procedure to reconnect the fallopian tubes in a woman who has previously undergone surgical sterilization, known as tubal ligation. In a tubal reversal operation, the surgeon removes the portion of each fallopian tube that has been blocked or cut. Once the damaged portion has been removed, the tubes are reconnected to form a complete, open fallopian tube.  The fallopian tube is the passageway through which the released eggs travel and meet with a man's sperm and become fertilized.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Reversal Surgery.