Thursday, October 21, 2010

Tubal Reversal Surgery

If you have had a tubal ligation and have changed your mind, now wanting another child, you will want to have a tubal reversal. Once the tubal reversal surgery is over, then your mind becomes set on trying to conceive. Below we will cover a few tips to help you achieve that pregnancy after tubal reversal surgery.

1. First off, be aware that a study of tubal reversal patients showed that most of the women, who were trying to conceive following the surgery, did so within 12 - 13 months. This first tip then is to be patient.

2. Next, don't rush into trying to conceive. Your body needs time to heal from the surgery. You know a pregnancy takes its toll on a woman's body. So, again, be patient and wait at least one full cycle before trying for that pregnancy after tubal reversal surgery.

3. When a pregnancy doesn't happen right away, some women become impatient. In discussing the matter with your physician, you could find he suggests a HSG procedure to check and see if the tubal blockage was really removed or not. However, HSG procedures are not the best thing to do for at least a year. In fact, it can send debris from the uterus into the fallopian tubes which might actually cause a blockage where there was none. Unfortunately, the procedure itself is all too apt to give you a bad reading due to many problems ranging from it not being done properly to the "films" not being read correctly. Considering the pain the procedure can cause, it is best to wait at least the year prescribed by the leading tubal surgeon.

4. Get to know your cycles. You need to know when you ovulate and the best way to do this is with a ovulation prediction kit like Clear Blue Easy.

5. The last tip is to understand that with all the tracking you will be doing, you are going to be much more aware of what is happening to your body while trying to conceive. In fact, you will most likely be aware of miscarriages due to all this tracking. That can be disheartening to have miscarriages. However, you should be aware that most women do miscarry and are simply not aware of it because they don't track like you are for a pregnancy after tubal reversal surgery. In fact, about half of all pregnancies end in miscarriage. Try to maintain a positive outlook.
Dr Morice is the best doctor of Tubal Reversal Surgery.

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